Mng 1 Depot Live Data


 “SmartBus”, is a cost saving analytical platform which helps some of the day to day requirement at Divisional Office, Depots, Divisional Stores and Divisional Work Shop.

      SmartBus analyses and organizes large amount of data in such a way that it improves overall operational efficiency of Depots, which are the revenue hub of the Corporation.

  • Higher Officers can view and analyse any data on the move through their Laptop.
  • They can get Live Data when they are out of station and wherever they go.
  • Zero cost Zero data entry, But full of insight.
  • It is very innovative. One can see the operational costs drop if used it effectively.
  • There is huge data in our database, SmartBus utilizing it for incremental revenue.
  • If we really want to extract value from data, it should be in an interactive manner. SmartBus fulfill this gap.
  • SmartBus has been thoughtfully designed to help the higher officers to take right decisions.
  • It unlocks the real value of data.
      There are several office works in different sections and many of them are consuming huge time. We have excellent soft wares like DCS, MMIC etc. But even though these soft wares are generating many reports, still there are huge ever changing requirements in different sections of our Corporation.

       So as to automate some of the reports which are not included in the existing DCS and MMIC soft wares SmartBus started to develop some of the reports which save time and money to the Corporation. These analytical Reports are in no way affecting existing soft ware or database.

       SmartBus built on Advanced MS Excel, Visual Basic, HTML, Java script and other available tools and every effort is made to make it interactive. Main purpose of the SmartBus is to get any information at real time which helps decision making by higher officials. If the SmartBus adds any incremental value to the daily operation it will definetly be beneficial to our organization.

        Several analytical reports have already added to SmartBus and many reports are under development which will be included in SmartBus shortly. In SmartBus any type of analytical reports can be prepared immediately if it is helpful to the corporation.

      For our mammoth organization even one paise EPKM or CPKM makes huge difference, hence  if SmartBus adds even small value, it will be beneficial to the Corporation.