Present Scenarios and SmartBus Solutions:

Present Scenarios
SmartBus Solutions

Spares Rates:- At present when one spare is required at Divisional Stores, there is no any detailed computerised information regarding where this item is available, which firm supplies at lowest rate etc.

   SmartBus developed Vendorwise Spare Rate Analysis, where one can procure spares only after getting information that previously how many suppliers have supplied this specific spare part. Which vendor is supplying at Lowest Rate. Rates are displayed in ascending order to identify lowest rate. Phone or Mobile No. of each supplier is displayed here for faster procurement. Click here to view the demo

Depotwise Spare Procurement:- At present Depots are procuring various spares from Divisional Stores. Many a times some of the depots are procuring specific item in more quantity when compared to other depots. Presently this information is not available.

   With SmartBus Depotwise Spares Consumption Pattern, the report displays the quantity of spares collected by various depots graphically. It gives a comparative analysis of each spares. This report automatically prints a report highlighting heavy procurement of some of the parts by  a specific depot. This creates awareness for the concerned. In the absence of these information there is possibility of needless higher procurement as well as higher consumption of spares by depotsClick here to view the demo

Spares Location:- Now there is no information regarding which spares is kept in which Rack/Compartment. Many a time there is a possibility of keeping a specific spare part in 2 or more location. There are no location information for spares.

     In the SmartBus Spares Location Report it displays the image of the spares as well as its exact location (Ex: Rack No 42/Compartment 8). This report minimizes the possibility of keeping a specific spare in different places. Sometimes without knowing the spares location, supply order is being placed for fresh procurement which may result into higher cost. SmartBus reduces it to some extent. Click here to view the demo

Items availability:- Various depots of a division places indents for procurement of spares to Divisional Stores. For Ex: DSL Depot places order for Clutch Disc 352 Dia(Rate Rs.4631.72). When there is no stock of above item at Div Stores, then Stores Officer has to procure it from any dealer which may take more than one day.

     Instead of placing the order to the dealer, the Stores Officer can view the SmartBus Report which displays whether this spare is available at any other 3 depots of the same division viz: PTR/BCR/MRC. If it is available in one of the depot, it can be transferred from that depot to DSL depot, thereby saving time and money. SmartBus maps all spares in such a way to display which part is available at which depot.    

Automatic Caution Notice Printing:- Now the Traffic Assistant at Depot has to search the ACC Statement for Lowest Earning Conductor and has to type the caution notice manually, which takes huge time.

The SmartBus instantly identifies the Lowest Earning Conductor and automatically prints the prescribed Caution Notice even without touching the keyboard. It also prints Appreciation Letter for High Earning Conductors if required. Click here to view the demo

Schedule Arrival Summary:-At present when any of the schedule arrive at the Depot, the Depot Manager has to open several reports to know the EPKM, KMPL, Spares Consumption, Defect Slip Detail, etc of that Schedule which consumes huge time.

With SmartBus Schedule Arrival Summary you can get each and every details of that particular schedule like-KMPL, EPKM, Revenue, Spare Cost, Vehicle defect list, Profit/Loss Margin, Line Checking, Stopwise Collection Details etc on single report. No need of opening several reports. it helps the Manager to streamline the operation of this schedule as well as maintainance of the vehicle allotted to this schedule. With the help of this program cost can be reduced and profit margin of any schedule can be increased. Click here to view the demo

Along with above there are many SmartBus Solutions which could not be uploaded here due to time constraint and will be try to upload very soon.